Roles of the proteasome and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 protein in myoblast differentiation

X Leng, etc
The FASEB Journal, 2019

This study was conducted to further understand the mechanism that controls myoblast differentiation, a key step in skeletal muscle formation. RNA sequencing of primary bovine myoblasts revealed many genes encoding the ubiquitin-proteasome system were up-regulated during myoblast differentiation. This up-regulation was accompanied by increased proteasomal activity. Treating myoblasts with the proteasome-specific inhibitor lactacystin impeded myoblast differentiation. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1) protein inhibited myoblast differentiation too. Further experiments were conducted to determine whether the proteasome promotes myoblast differentiation by degrading ID1 protein. Both ID1 protein and mRNA expression decreased during myoblast differentiation. However, treating myoblasts with lactacystin reversed the decrease in ID1 protein but not in ID1 mRNA expression. Surprisingly, this reversal was not observed when myoblasts were also treated with the mRNA translation inhibitor cycloheximide. Direct incubation of ID1 protein with proteasomes from myoblasts did not show differentiation stage–associated degradation of ID1 protein. Furthermore, ubiquitinated ID1 protein was not detected in lactacystin-treated myoblasts. Overall, the results of this study suggest that, during myoblast differentiation, the proteasomal activity is up-regulated to further myoblast differentiation and that the increased proteasomal activity improves myoblast differentiation partly by inhibiting the synthesis, not the degradation, of ID1 protein.

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The FASEB Journal
doi: 10.1096/fj.201800574RR
Virginia Tech